
While using the platform primestreets.eu you accept as user the terms & conditions from Primestreets. Primestreets will do their upmost best to present the information on the platform as accurately and completely as possible.

However, primestreets.eu cannot guarantee that the nature and content of the provided information on the platform is correct.

Primestreets.eu is not liable for any damage suffered by visitors/users to our platform and or third parties as a result of using the platform www.primestreets.eu and the information provided on the site. Primestreets.eu cannot guarantee the continuous and error-free functioning of this platform. Primestreets.eu is not liable for any damage suffered by visitors/users of the platform and/or third parties as a result of accessing and using the platform primestreets.eu.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate in contacting us by info@primestreets.eu